投诉 & 申诉程序(FAIR)




大学提供 投诉及委屈 policy and a process for pursuing either or both via the FAIR process (Fast and Impartial Resolution). This process provides a method for the fair and equitable resolution of complaints, 误解, 以及对大学员工的不满.

Employees may have concerns about work situations which they consider to be unfair or they may feel University policies and procedures are being inequitably applied to them. Ideally employees are able to discuss and resolve these concerns with their supervisors. 然而, 如果担忧仍未解决, employees are encouraged to utilize FAIR as a formal approach to problem resolution. 通过合作解决出现的问题, employees and other involved parties can improve and enhance the work environment within the University community.



  1. 投诉 process provides the opportunity for employees to have work-related problems heard and considered in a non-adversarial manner; and
  2. 不满 process provides the opportunity for employees to resolve alleged violations of University, 大学系统, 及/或校董会政策.

的se are two distinct but related processes established for the purpose of resolving work-related problems and/or 误解. 符合条件的教职员工可以单独使用任何一种程序, or may use the complaint procedure as the first step of the grievance procedure. FAIR is designed to assist faculty and staff in resolving problems to the mutual satisfaction of all involved in a neutral environment.


A 投诉 may be filed instead of, or as the first phase of, the 不满 Process. 投诉程序:

  • may serve as a less formal process than the grievance procedure for resolving work-related problems
  • 提供了 便利化 作为主要的问题解决过程….在第三方调解人的帮助下讨论问题
  • 是否快速——它能让各方迅速解决问题
  • has an expectation of confidentiality insofar that it is reasonable within legal requirements and organizational responsibilities. 投诉 information shall be kept in a confidential file in 人力资源 (HR), and it will be accessible only to those individuals engaged in the complaint process and appropriate administrators with an official need to know.
  • 为有关各方提供平等的机会,分享关切和问题
  • 允许各方创造自己的问题解决方案
  • 可以随时提出来吗. 然而, 为了使投诉继续进入申诉程序, the complaint must be filed within the 10-day time line as defined under "投诉 process" below.

他们是怎么做到的 投诉 处理工作?

  • An eligible faculty or staff member may register a complaint by notifying their HR Partner of the complaint and indicating a desire to pursue a solution. If the employee wishes this complaint to meet the deadline for filing a grievance, the 公平通知表格 必须在下午4:30之前完成并提交给HR.m. of the tenth calendar day from the day on which the employee became aware of the action which caused the complaint or the alleged policy violation and within one year of its occurrence.
  • 在考虑了投诉的性质之后, the HR Partner will initiate discussion with the goal of resolution of the issue. 寻求解决方案的选择将包括, 但不限于, 与主管的讨论, 对事实的非正式调查, and/or use of a third party to help facilitate between the complainant and the decision-maker (respondent).
  • If the option selected does not result in a satisfactory resolution of the complaint, 人力资源合作伙伴可以, 适当的, require any of the following: a report from the investigator of the facts of the case; a report from the facilitator about the potential solutions; a report from the supervisor about the reasons that no resolution or settlement was reached. 人力资源 will establish the appropriate time frame on any report or follow up on reports required.
  • 如果投诉也符合申诉的条件, a faculty or staff member may file a written grievance within the 10-day deadline described above. 人力资源 will determine the point at which the complaint process has ended. 如果投诉继续作为申诉, 申诉将在步骤一或步骤二继续进行(见下文)。.

在什么情况下我要提交 不满?

申诉是指控违反UNH的书面声明, 大学系统, 或校董会政策. 的 grievance process is available to employees as a mechanism to resolve alleged violations. 的 grievance procedure shall not be used to review the substantive merits of an administrative judgment, 绩效评估, 或其他酌情决定的行为或决定, except as may be necessary when a violation of a non-discrimination policy is alleged.

教师和工作人员有资格提出申诉, with the exception of faculty covered under the collective bargaining agreement and principal administrators. 工作人员 members in the initial introductory period of employment are excluded from using the grievance procedure to appeal termination for the inability to meet requirements of the position.


受委屈的人完成了一个 公平的形式 which includes a written statement of the grievance, and submits it to 联合国卫生组织人力资源. 的 statement will include the specific policy or policies alleged to be violated and a brief statement of the alleged violation and the resolution desired.

的 deadline for filing a grievance with 人力资源 shall be ten (10) calendar days from the day on which the aggrieved employee becomes aware of the action that is alleged to violate policy and within one year of its occurrence.

的 filing of a grievance shall not affect the rights of an employee to seek any remedy which may be available in an external forum and does not postpone any deadlines for pursuing remedies in an external forum.


Where can I find UNH and USNH policies relative to the 投诉及委屈 Process?

了解更多信息, view the UNH / USNH online policy manuals or call 人力资源 (603) 862-0544.