Resources for Expressing Milk

UNH Durham has 4 designated rooms for expressing milk

4 Durham locations currently available

  • Dimond 图书馆, Room 354
  • Memorial Union (MUB), Room 341
  • 10 West Edge Drive, Room 102A
  • Morse Hall, Room A121

Reservations are not required but encouraged. 
Booking the room allows you to have a confirmed schedule and your preferred room available for you.

book a room

  1. Login with your UNH credentials, then select "Create a Reservation".  的 泌乳 Rooms will appear at the bottom of the list in the center of your screen. 
  2. Click on the '书现在' bottom in the row for 泌乳 Rooms.
  3. In the bottom left search box for 房间的名字,输入“”泌乳" and the 4 room options will appear for you to select and book.

Access Information

  • Dimond 图书馆, Room 354, is located on the Main Floor (Level 3).  This is a private room, and contains a gliding rocker, a refrigerator, and a CD player.
    This room stays locked at all times, so you need to check in and request the key from the Circulation Desk.  If they don't have the key, then the room is in use.  This lactation room is provided courtesy of Dimond 图书馆. 
  • Memorial Union Building (MUB), Room 341, is located on the Main Floor (level 3).  This room is a private single user room for mothers and is ADA compliant.  This room stays locked.  To access this room, please visit the MUB Information Desk on the Main Floor and request the key.  的 information desk will retain an ID while you the room is in use.
  • 10 West Edge, Room 102A 
  • Morse Hall, Room A121

注意:  Prior to your first time use for the West Edge or Morse Hall rooms, please contact the  Affirmative Action & Equity Office to get the combination for the room lock. You will only need to get the combination once.
(603) 862-2930, TTY (603) 862-1527 

UNH 泌乳 Policy Information
Durham Campus 泌乳 Rooms Brochure