
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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DURHAM, N.H. — As Earth Day approaches, 澳门葡京网赌游戏的专家们可以就气候变化等地球母亲面临的一些最紧迫的环境挑战提供见解, lengthening seasons, increasing sea-level rise, 减少降雪和今年地球日的主题, the “Planet vs. Plastics”. 联合国大学的研究人员可以谈论塑料在我们的流域和海洋中的风险, 以及从暖冬、降雪消失到沿海洪水增加等一系列广泛问题, infrastructure concerns, 生态系统影响和减排的重要性.

Plastics in streams and rivers

Wilfred Wollheim, professor of natural resources and the environment

Wil.Wollheim@soadonefnet.com; 603-862-5022

沃尔海姆是联合国大学水系统分析小组的主任 researching plastics accumulation in rivers 靠近三个主要城市:波士顿、芝加哥和多伦多. Wollheim和他的合作者专注于弄清楚这些城市地区有多少塑料会沉淀在溪流和河流中, break into pieces, 污染水体或进入五大湖或海洋. His earlier research showed 到21世纪中叶,气候变化可能会更加严重, significantly decreasing snow days and increasing the number of days over 90 degrees causing a drastic decline in stream habitat making 40% unsuitable for cold water fish.

Plastics in the ocean

渔业专家加布里埃拉·布拉特(Gabriela Bradt)是UNH推广和N.H. Sea Grant

Gabriela.Bradt@soadonefnet.com;  603-862-2033

以帮助确定塑料污染对海滩的影响, 布拉特创建并协调了一个全海岸的公民科学微塑料监测项目. In her role at N.H. Sea Grant, she partnered with the Blue Ocean Society to visit popular beaches with a group of local volunteers to collect sand samples and sort out microplastics between 1-5mm in size. 它们可能包括瓶子等较大塑料的碎片, films from straw wrappers, 泡沫和长丝的绳子或合成纤维. 这些数据最近被汇编成易于使用的 dashboard 这可以帮助告知当地州和城镇的政策制定者,并激发新的研究和解决方案.

Sea-level rise and infrastructure

Jennifer Jacobs,土木与环境工程教授

Jennifer.Jacobs@soadonefnet.com;  603-862-0635

雅各布斯是研究洪水影响及其对沿海地区恢复能力和基础设施影响的权威专家. 她可以谈论威胁沿海地区的相关问题,比如海平面上升, flooding and snowmelt—and the challenges faced by residents and town officials dealing with related destruction caused by the endless wear and tear like pavement erosion, potholes, compromised bridges and seawalls. 雅各布斯的一些研究集中在所谓的“滋扰性洪水”上,这种情况在涨潮或大风时发生在岸边的道路上. It found that in the past 20年来,东海岸道路的洪水增加了90% 经常使这些社区的道路无法通行并造成延误, 压力和影响货物和服务的运输. 雅各布是第四次国家气候评估(NCA4)中交通章节的主要作者,该评估对气候变化对美国经济的挑战提供了深刻的见解.S. infrastructure.

Coastal flooding and road resilience

Jo Sias,土木与环境工程教授

Jo.Sias@soadonefnet.com; 603-862-3277

由于冬天越来越潮湿,新英格兰的道路变得越来越脆弱, hot summers, intense tropical storms, 海平面持续上升,洪水增多. Sias是道路韧性方面的专家 研究着眼于气候变化危害的方式和原因, 比如高温和洪水泛滥, 正在造成道路坍塌和裂缝,并寻找保护它们的方法吗. 这项工作的重点是了解道路上方和下方洪水的综合危害. The goal is to create high-resolution models to study the effects of sea-level rise on roadways as well as develop a toolkit to help assess the effectiveness of alternatives. Sias可以对气候变化的影响发表评论, 洪水和海平面上升对基础设施和道路造成影响, like erosion, 坑坑洼洼,甚至是创纪录的高温软化的沥青.

Climate Change


Mary.Stampone@soadonefnet.com; 603-862-3136

As the New Hampshire State Climatologist, Stampone provides New Hampshire citizens, 提供天气和气候资料的教育工作者和机构,以支援环境管理和规划活动. She is a co-author of the 新罕布什尔州沿海洪水风险总结第1部分:科学 that found sea-level rise along the coast in New Hampshire and southern Maine has risen almost 8 inches in the last century impacting everything from coastal property to public infrastructure, human health, 公共安全和自然资源,特别是在东北风和高天文潮汐期间. She was also co-author of the 2021 N.H. Climate Assessment Report 这表明春季和秋季将更温暖、更漫长,并表明到本世纪中叶,年降雨量预计将再增加7%至9%.

Warmer winters and longer springs

Alexandra Contosta,研究助理教授

Alix.Contosta@soadonefnet.com; 603-862-4204 

As the Earth continues to warm, 气候变化正在造成许多环境挑战,包括季节的变化——变短, warmer winters with less snow and followed by longer springs—as well as an increase in ‘winter weather whiplash’—unexpected swings between extreme cold and anomalous warmth. 所有这些都可能对生态系统和人类社区产生不利影响. 康托斯塔的研究考察了这些天气变化的持久影响,以及了解这些变化如何有助于决策者, 管理者和环境规划者适应潜在的生态环境, social and economic consequences. Her focus is on the effect of longer springs (延长春日窗),土地利用之间的微妙平衡, carbon storage and climate, and that it’s not too late to 通过减少排放来减缓气候变暖. 康托斯塔可以谈论季节性冻结和解冻对环境的影响, 无雪冬季对生态系统的影响, outdoor recreation, 以及重要的新英格兰工业,以及个人如何发挥作用.


Elizabeth Burakowski,研究助理教授

elizabeth.burakowski@soadonefnet.com; 603-862-1796

在北美,冬天比夏天变暖得更快, 影响着从生态系统到经济的方方面面. 全球气候模式显示,这一趋势将在未来冬季继续. Burakowski, co-author of the 2021 N.H. Climate Assessment Report, was raised on the local ski hills of New England and says that winters are vital to everyone and serious action is needed now to slow the warming to preserve the purpose of cold weather and snow which includes protecting woodland animals, 防止入侵森林害虫的蔓延,提高滑雪胜地的造雪能力,保护该地区价值数百万美元的娱乐产业. Burakowski的研究重点是更好地理解土地覆盖的变化(例如.e. 森林砍伐)影响地表温度、能量和 water, like rivers. 她对研究……的影响感兴趣 reduced emissions on reducing warming 并有几个项目专注于冬季降雪减少对新英格兰滑雪产业的不利影响.

Climate Change and Outdoor Recreation

Michael Ferguson,娱乐管理和政策副教授


东北地区的暖冬和较少的积雪引起了许多人的关注, 包括那些从事户外娱乐的人. 弗格森研究环境问题对行业的影响,包括 fracking and offshore wind energy development, as well as the stress and effect of the 在COVID大流行期间,公园和保护区的访问量大幅增加. 他最近的研究着眼于 气候变化对新罕布什尔州户外娱乐活动的影响, a $2.70亿美元的产业,作为2024-28年N的一部分.H. 全州综合户外娱乐计划,帮助指导N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation. The study found that 75% of those that worked in the field were negatively impacted by climate change and 58% of outdoor recreation users were also feeling the affects –citing shorter winter seasons, storm damage to infrastructure, 水位波动,冰雪覆盖天数减少.