政策 & 程序


University communications are sent to 学生s through the following channels:

  • Webcat
    •  Students receive billing statements, 注册, 查看成绩, 学生账户, 以及财政奖励 Webcat.
  • 大学的电子邮件
    •  重要的通知由许多部门和办公室通过大学指定的UNH电子邮件地址发送. Students are responsible for checking this email account on a regular basis.
  • myUNH
    • 大学公告和更多的信息来源可通过这个学生门户系统- myUNH.
  • 校区地址
  • 永久地址
    • Some notifications are sent in the 学生's name to the permanent mailing address.
  • University Policy on Electronic Communication
    • 澳门葡京网赌游戏经常以书面形式与学生就官方事务进行交流. 技术的进步促使大学调整其行政和教育通讯,以便从这项技术中受益. 在这些情况下,当大学选择通过技术(包括但不限于电子邮件)与学生沟通, 门户通信, 和电子通讯), it often does so with the use of University-generated UNH Username. The University will provide and maintain this UNH Username; it will be the responsibility of the 学生 to monitor official communication sent by the University to this UNH Username on the UNH email system, as well as those posted to the UNH Portal (myUNH) and accessible with this UNH username.

Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, or 转为兼职状态

请参阅 Withdrawal/Leave/Change to Part-Time Schedule below, 这与澳门葡京网赌游戏秋季和春季学期开学日期的主要学术日历相对应. 使用不同日历的特殊课程的学生应该咨询他们的院系了解截止日期.

请参阅 Checklist for Students Who Are Graduating or Leaving UNH for additional steps 学生s should take if not returning to UNH.

Fall 2023 Semester begins August 28, 2024

If withdrawal, leave, or change to part-time occurs: 的最后期限 学费 & 费用而
By 2nd Friday after the semester begins 9月. 6, 2024, 4:30 PM 100%
After 2nd Friday and until 5th Friday after semester begins 9月. 2024年6月6日下午4:31至9月9日. 27, 2024, 4:30 PM 50%
30天后 9月后. 27, 2024, 4:30 PM 0%

Spring 2024 semester begins January 23, 2024

If withdrawal, leave, or change to part-time occurs: 的最后期限 学费 & 费用而
By 2nd Friday after semester begins 2月. 2, 2024, 4:30 PM 100%
After 2nd Friday and until 5th Friday after semester begins 2月. 3日至2月. 23, 2024, 4:30 PM 50%
30天后 2月后. 23, 2024 0%

任何学位候选人在本学期或下一学年退出大学并随后作为特殊(非学位)学生入学,将继续按照与学位候选人相同的费率收取学费和杂费, using appropriate rates for resident/non-resident and undergraduate/graduate status.

How to Initiate a Withdrawal or Leave of Absence from the University

A withdrawal/leave of absence form must be filed with the Registrar's Office at 主要研究.withdrawals@主要研究.edu when a 学生 withdraws or takes leave from the University. 学生正式通知注册办公室的日期是用于确定财务调整的官方日期. 学费 and mandatory 费用 are reduced according to the above schedule. 一旦做出财务调整,任何多付的费用将退还给学生. Refund processing will take approximately 45 days.


从全日制转到非全日制的学生将按照上述时间表承担部分全日制学费和强制性费用. Please complete a “Change in Enrollment Form” under the 学生形式 drop down menu on the 金融援助 website. Please note that taking a reduced course load may affect your financial aid package.

食物 & 住房

Students should refer to the Room and Board agreement for the food & 房屋退款政策.


如果已经收到联邦财政援助,它将根据美国破产法的规定退还给贷款人.S. Department of 教育 regulations in effect at the time of withdrawal or leave. Please note that the return of aid may create an unpaid balance owed to UNH. 有关联邦法规和估计计算的具体细节可根据要求从UNH学生帐户获得. 一旦学生完成了一个学期60%以上的课程,联邦助学金就不会退还.


学费 insurance for reimbursement of tuition, 费用, room and board in the event of medical withdrawal due to illness, injury or psychological conditions. 学费保障计划


未支付账单余额可能导致滞纳金,并可能导致学生被退学. Late 费用 are based on the amount of the outstanding balance. Effective May 2022, late 费用 will be assessed monthly. The calculated late fee is 2% of the billed amount or $100 (whichever is lower). 任何未结清的余额都可能导致财务冻结,从而妨碍注册和邮寄成绩单和文凭.




因资金不足而被退回的支票将收取30美元的退回支票费. A bank check, money order, or cash must be used to replace a returned check. If two or more checks are returned for insufficient funds, 学校将不再接受该学生账户的个人支票.


实际支付费用超过学费的学生可以在收到并结算学费后向UNH学生账户申请退款, and after any check payments have cleared (10 business days). 退款 may be requested online through the Webcat. 在退款之前, all monthly payments must be received, loan notes and loan checks must be signed, and the 学生's account must be free of holds. In accordance with merchant agreements, 在学期内用信用卡付款的帐户将首先退还给信用卡. Any remaining credit will be processed via check or direct deposit. It is the 学生's responsibility to initiate a refund request. 退款以学生的名义进行,除非学分是家长PLUS贷款的结果. PLUS credits are refunded to the parent borrower. Please allow two weeks for processing of refund requests.

如果学生事先没有要求,联邦规定的(标题IV)退款将在规定的时间内自动生成. 所需的时间范围定义为信用余额发生后的14天,或者如果信用余额发生在上课第一天或之前,则在上课第一天后的14天.

注意: 联邦资金不得早于开课前10天支付给学生账户.

UNH PLUS贷款退款政策

本科生家长贷款(PLUS)是联邦第四条款基金,专门用于支付本科生教育费用. PLUS loans are disbursed directly to the 学生’s billing account.  When the loan proceeds are disbursed, 一封电子邮件或信件被发送给PLUS贷款的母公司借款人,表明资金已经到位. The borrower has the option to cancel the loan within 30 days. 如果贷款没有取消,PLUS贷款资金将适用于联邦第四章收费.

If any credit remains after these charges are paid, 根据联邦法规进行计算,将决定学生可以要求退款的哪一部分,以及家长可以获得的哪一部分. 如果家长PLUS借款人提交书面请求或通过PLUS贷款申请获得许可, the full credit balance can be made available to the 学生.

PLUS refunds are issued according to the following guidelines:

  • If the PLUS loan borrower elects for the 学生 to receive the refund, 学生可以通过Webcat在线申请全额学分余额.
  • If the parent PLUS loan borrower elects to receive the refund directly, available PLUS loan credit will be refunded directly to the borrower via check.
  • If the PLUS loan borrower has elected to receive a refund directly, no changes may be made after the refund request has been entered. 在处理退款之前,家长借款人可以选择允许退款发给学生. 给UNH学生账户的书面声明必须由PLUS借款人签署,并包括学生的姓名, ID及简要说明. To comply with federal regulations, 此操作或提交新的贷款申请是更改退款接收方的唯一选项.

After the PLUS refund is requested by the 加上贷款 Coordinator, if future payments are received from sources other than another 加上贷款, 任何导致贷方余额的多付款项将被视为来自其他来源, and any new credit balance will be made available to the 学生.

Title IV Allowable Charges and Credit Balance

第四章允许收费总额减去第四章财政援助总额等于第四章余额. If the Title IV Balance calculated is negative, this is a Title IV Credit Balance.

第四章允许收费: 第四章经济援助:
学费 佩尔助学金
强制性的费用 SEOG
课程费用 直接资助贷款
校园房屋 无补贴直接贷款

